
Web Use & Privacy Policy

This website is provided by Rural Bank of Bay Inc. to advertise its goods and services to both current and potential customers. This Website Use and Privacy Policy governs how the Rural Bank of Bay website is used at all times. Articles of incorporation, bylaws, and regulations of Rural Bank of Bay Inc. apply to all of its products and services, including those offered on this website.

This webpage was developed and kept up by Rural Bank of Bay Inc. All text, material, and trademarks (including logos), unless otherwise stated, are the property of Rural Bank of Bay Inc.; they cannot be used without Rural Bank of Bay's prior written consent.

Occasionally, Rural Bank of Bay Inc. may offer links to external websites that might be of interest to its clients. Rural Bank of Bay Inc., is not liable for the validity or content of any information found on these websites, and it makes no recommendations regarding or support for any of the opinions expressed or goods promoted there.

The goal of Rural Bank of Bay Inc. is to give customers up-to-date, reliable information about its goods and services. However, mistakes might be made unintentionally. This website may undergo changes at any time without prior notification.

Collection and Use of Information

Rural Bank of Bay Inc. gathers data to market its products and answer to inquiries and concerns. Names, identification numbers, email addresses, and phone numbers are just a few examples of the requested data.

None of the personally identifiable information that Rural Bank of Bay Inc. collects is traded, sold, or otherwise given to other parties. This excludes reputable companies that Rural Bank of Bay Inc. has partnered with as Technology Partners to conduct business or offer consumer services in accordance with strong contractual secrecy and nondisclosure clauses. In order to comply with the law, safeguard people and property, and address issues relating to public safety, Rural Bank of Bay Inc. may disclose customer information.


This website is provided "AS IS" with all of its components, including links and material from third parties. There are no express or implied guarantees offered by Rural Bank of Bay Inc. The website is not guaranteed to be free of malware or other malicious components, and Rural Bank of Bay makes no such warranty. Despite the fact that a party may have specifically warned Rural Bank of Bay Inc. of the possibility of such damages, Rural Bank of Bay Inc. will not be liable to a party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, consequential, or other damages (including loss of profits) resulting from the use of this website or any linked website.

© 2023 Rural Bank of Bay, Inc. All right reserved.
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